Afyon Kocatepe University Publications was established in 1994 and has published over 100 books since 1995. Among the books, there are scientific researches in the fields of science-engineering, medicine, social sciences, scientific and statistical studies on the social, economic and geographical features of Afyonkarahisar, the publication of symposium papers and textbooks.
Some of the books are available as e-books by the library of Afyon Kocatepe University.
In 1999, firstly, the publishing of printed journals started, and then the journals were published electronically. Currently, 9 journals are published and can be accessed online through Dergipark. Click to view our scientific journals.
Afyon Kocatepe University publications recently published the 3-volume book “100. Yılında Büyük Taarruz ve Başkomutan Meydan Muharebesi “. Afyon Kocatepe University Publications plans to continue its publication activities in the same way in the following years.